Here's just a tidbit on some projects we hope to achieve!
Jam out with your heros
Sending deserving people to see the artists they love is our number one priority. Through hard work, fundraising, and your support, we intend to send as many people to as many shows as possible. Once we have a nomination process fully set up, and shows selected, events will be posted and shared. We hope to gain the support of artists, and thousands of our fellow Americans, and people abroad. This project is something close to our hearts, and something we hope will touch the lives of many others across the nation.
5k run to end stigma
You've seen runs for cancer, natural disaster, and yes, there have even been runs to end stigma. However, there haven't been enough of the latter to satisfy us! 5k's don't just bring awareness, they are an excellent way to raise funds for a worthy cause. The word on mental illnesses and the need to end the stigmas surrounding them, is a topic that needs to be better pressed. What better way to get coverage, spread the word, and get actively involved than a 5k Run to End Stigma? With your support, we can launch these runs across the nation, raising awareness, tearing down the walls of stigma, and send many deserving teens/young adults, to the shows they deserve to see.